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Key mechanisms of male brain formation


Recently, researchers at the University of Otago in New Zealand found that their previously discovered neuronal circuits, which are crucial for triggering ovulation and maintaining fertility, also play a key role in male brain formation.
The new study, led by Professor Allan Herbison and published in the recent Journal of Neuroscience, shows that male-specific signals in the gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) neurons of newborn mice are crucial for a five-hour surge in testosterone after birth.
This simple but powerful increase in testosterone blood levels, which occurs only in men, is known to differentiate the brain development of male mice from that of female mice. Among other effects, these brain differences are related to the pattern of neurological disorders experienced by male and female mice.
Professor Herbison said that there were six gender differences in brain function during the late stages of fetal development and before delivery, but the actual cellular mechanisms of these important activities remain unknown.
Through a series of studies in mice, Professor Herbison and his colleagues have now shown that a small fraction of GnRH neurons in the hypothalamus of the brain become active only in neonatal male (rather than female) mice.
In addition, they found that at this point, a small group of kisspeptin neurons once again appeared only in male mice. Kisspeptin is a small protein that strongly stimulates GnRH neurons. Last year, Professor Herbison and colleagues published a landmark study detailing how the protein acts as a major control factor for replication.
In their recent study, the researchers also found that male mice lacking kisspeptin receptors on GnRH neurons did not experience a surge in testosterone after birth. They also determined that, as an adult male, the mouse had brain characteristics similar to those of a female mouse.
Professor Herbison said the teams new study found that kisspeptin, which has been found to play a role in fertility only in the past decade or so, is actually a more striking molecule than previously thought. (Kisspeptin was originally named Hersheys Kiss Chocolate by American cancer researchers. At that time, they did not know that this molecule played a role in reproduction.
The kisspeptin signal is not only the main switch for adolescence and ovulation, but now we also show that in the first few hours of breathing, it can also trigger our brains to develop according to our gender.
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