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RAD52 Protein, key of DNA restore


Research people from Drexel University and Georgia Institute of Technology found RAD52 protein is the key of DAN restore. The result of this research has already been released on “Cells”. The researchers explained one important function of RAD52 protein: homologous recombination. This finding will be helpful to new cancer treatment.


Radiotherapy and chemotherapy will result in DNA double-strand breaks which will lead to serious DNA damages. Homologous recombination play very important roles during DNA restore. The process of DNA restore includes the genetic information exchange of two DNA molecular. But, some gene mutation will damage one genome, for example, BRCA2 mutation will lead to mammary cancer and Ovarian cancer.
During this research, researchers has made a special research on DNA restore protein and its mechanism.
Researchers explained, they have found evidence proving that RNA can work as donor template to restore DNA, and RAD52 protein has been involved this process. But they can not make sure how this protein gets involved. Research group found RAD52 protein can promote the anti-chain exchange between double-stranded DNA and RNA, which means this protein homology integrates the capacity of DAN and RNA molecular. So RNA can be the template for DNA restore.
We can say, this capacity of RAD52 is very unique among eukaryotes, other similar proteins do not have this capacity.
After that, Researchers explored the function of RAD52 protein for human cells. As we know, DNA breaks is a crucial factor of many degenerative diseases, including cancer. The result of this research may open a new way for cancer or other diseases treatment.