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What is the the inducement of asthma


Asthma is one chronic disease which may occur within people of all ages. Asthma is one common disease within children. Now, there are about 235 million people suffered from asthma.

In 2015, there were about 383 thousand death caused by asthma in the world. Most are happened within elder people. Though scientists don’t find way to cure asthma, but proper treatment will control the condition.
About 85% of death caused by asthma happens in undeveloped countries. To control this situation, the most important thing is to make the good medicines affordable and easy to get, especially for low-incoming families.
Till now, cause of asthma is still unknown, but the most risky inducement for asthma patients is contacting allergens like bedding, carpet, pollution, pollen, mould, even cold air, anger, and fear will cause asthma.
Asthma is not infectious disease, but scientists found kids have 25% possibility of suffering asthma if one of their parents have asthma, if bot parents suffered asthma, then the possibility will increase to 50%.
Recently scientists from USA found fatness may have connection with asthma. From 1980 to 1996, fatness has increased from 15.8% to 33.2%, in same period, asthma increased by 73.9%. More important, scientists found some clues of connection between fatness and asthma.
For asthma patients, they should keep away from the allergens, make more exercise to enhance immunity, and accept treatment often to monitor condition. Though there is no treatment to cure asthma for now, if keeping positive, it is not so horrible.